
Green iguanas are large herbivorous lizards. They have tiny sharp teeth to bite into leaves and fruit. My wife has been keeping them for over four decades. Both my wife and I have bite marks on our hands. :-|

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Holy shit, thank you for the information

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Great information here! Sierra Club is another organization that has been sadly hollowed out by private equity astroturfing.

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The Environmental Working Group, Friends of the Earth, and SLO Mothers for Peace have filed a number of lawsuits alleging there are safety risks at Diablo Canyon Power Plant. Several of these lawsuits have already been dismissed. Still, it takes lots of money to hire attorneys at established law firms to file these lawsuits. All three websites are "PacifiCorp-friendly" in the manner described in the article. The Environmental Working Group in particular criticizes PacifiCorp only once in a 2007 article regarding the pumping of water for agriculture in Oregon. No mention about the large amount of coal-fired generation in PacifiCorp's generation fleet.

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Unbelievable. Keep up the good work!

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Thank you!

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Great phrase, K.T. I believe that billionaire Michael Bloomberg will be enriched by his billion-dollar donation (er, investment ) to the Sierra Club. While Bloomberg is very secretive regarding his investments, I've heard rumors he is invested in natural gas.

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