1 Comment
Sep 20·edited Sep 20Author

Here's a tabulation of recent U.S. nuclear power plant shutdowns. See this June 10, 2021 CRS report: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46820/3

All these reactors except TMI-1 should be restarted or rebuilt with modern designs like the Westinghouse AP 1000.

Reactor "State (Cong. District)" "Shutdown Date" "Generating Capacity (Megawatts)" Start-Up Year "Major Factor(s) Contributing to Shutdown"

Crystal River 3 Florida (FL-11) Feb-13 860 1977 Cost of major repairs to reactor containment

Kewaunee Wisconsin (WI-8) May-13 566 1974 Operating losses

San Onofre 2 California (CA-49) June-13 1,070 1983 "Cost of replacing

defective steam generators"

San Onofre 3 California (CA-49) June-13 1,080 1984 "Cost of replacing

defective steam generators"

Vermont Yankee Vermont (VT-at large) Dec-14 620 1972 Operating losses

Fort Calhoun Nebraska (NE-1) Oct-16 479 1973 Operating losses

Oyster Creek New Jersey (NJ-3) Sept. 2018 614 1969 Agreement with state to avoid building cooling towers

Pilgrim Massachusetts (MA-9) May-19 685 1972 Operating losses; rising capital expenditures

Three Mile Island 1 Pennsylvania (PA-10) Oct-19 803 1974 Operating losses

Indian Point 2 New York (NY-17) April-20 1,020 1974 Low electricity prices; settlement with state

Duane Arnold Iowa (IA-1) Aug-20 601 1975 Lower-cost alternative power purchases

Indian Point 3 New York (NY-17) April-21 1,038 1976 Low electricity prices; settlement with state

Total: 9,436 MW

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