The second row of each of the four groups of data in the first spreadsheet e.g.:

38,301,860 Statewide actual 2022 Natural Gas fired production production (MWh)

54,967,078 Statewide actual 2022 Unspecified Power production production (MWh)

35,497,470 Statewide actual 2021 Natural Gas fired production production (MWh)

56,594,591 Statewide actual 2021 Unspecified Power production production (MWh)

was calculated by taking the sum of each electric utility's production from that energy source shown on the row labeled "Totals - Row Total in Rightmost Column" at the bottom of the pair of CGNP's PSD spreadsheets

The word "capacity" is corrected in the following sentence which should read,, "The coal-fired power would supply the necessary power generation (MWh) and SGI (MVAR.)

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Isn't this what everyone does in this "green" world - 100% "green" cities feeding off the grid - 100% clean Amazon still running those diesel trucks - but they cover the land with solar and wind to say they are "green" - what a joke - how to lie with impunity! NOT HARDLY GREEN - they are feeding off the grid with it's mix of generation and buying their way out of the hole to look.. well - righteous!

And thinking batteries will replace nuclear power plants - well - I have noting I can say about the stupidity of some folks!

Germany and California has given us a clear picture of insanity, and you can tune in any day and see the same idiots playing the same game, but still people are not waking up to the what is going on. The only reason I can see is money, power and greed. It blinds all but the few! Maybe they just don't want to be shown up to be the idiot in the room.

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Spot on.... But don't forget the importance of greasing the right palms. Warren Buffett (and Berkshire Hathaway Energy subsidiary PacifiCorp) is apparently a master of the process. Recall what he said in 2014 regarding the folly of wind power..... "For example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That's the only reason to build them. They don't make sense without the tax credit."

"Big Wind's Bogus Subsidies - Giving tax credits to the wind energy industry is a waste of time and money." By Nancy Pfotenhauer, Contributor | May 12, 2014, at 2:30 p.m US News & World Report https://tinyurl.com/Buffett-Wind-Scam

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Jul 17Edited

Yes - now Oxi and Warren are in on the Texas "as a bank" for the peaker gas plants to offset the renewables here on the ERCOT grid. Our politicians are great at patching! I won't say they are all on the grift, some mean well but are clueless - easy to be led down the garden path when you don't know which way is up! Thanks for the share.

I just did an update on operating and planned wind and solar projects and totally scared the pants of myself! - the acreage will be about 5.5 million acres! A complete sin!

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.... and, as a "bonus," the added solar and wind for the Texas power grid won't work! California has already shown that as more solar and wind are added, the result is cannibalization. Such a waste!

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